Saturday 13 September 2014

Team 'By Lines' - Chapter 2

Team 'By Lines' - Chapter 2

Chapter II

"Come in," said Tara in her ever so welcoming voice.

"Ma'am, Sir sent these files for you. Call me ben you need else." said Ramu, the peon in her office. Tara smiled at his innocence and took the files from his hands. "When, Ramu, WHEN. The sound you make when you mold your lips in a whistling way. WH." She flashed her red lipstick stained lips in a whistling manner and enacted the lip movements for him, for the 10th time that month.

"Okay ma'am, ben. I will take care". She nodded her head disapprovingly and stamped her heels on the ground but decided not to poke him any further.

She opened the file and found a note inside it stating the details of her new project. She had to get an interview arranged with a superstar, a project she had been excited for months together. Shekhar had always been amused at the rate Tara was progressing in her professional life and he never failed to acknowledge that fact. Whenever she got a new project, it had to be Shekhar's chance of cooking the dinner. Not that he was a great cook, but Tara liked being pampered in some small ways, and who knew that better than Shekhar. Tara remembered how after her receiving the appointment letter, she had first called Shekhar up. She remembered the excitement in his voice everytime she received a promotion letter. Her beauty had always attracted men to her but she couldn't bare her soul open to anyone but Shekhar. She silently thanked God for everything she could ever ask for, a loving husband, a beautiful daughter and an ever-rising career graph.

A phone call disturbed her thoughts. She put the file aside and picked up the phone.

The voice at the other end sounded familiar to her. She did not have the contact saved in her new smartphone but she recalled him the moment she heard his voice. It was the voice of Aditya, a family friend who had not been in much contact off lately. Work kept everyone busy and even she felt guilty of not trying to initiate any conversation in the past year.

“Hi Aditya”

“Hey Tara. I’m surprised you recognized my voice. I called Shekhar but he is not picking up his phone.”

Aditya was a family friend. They had spent a lot of time together but with time and struggling through the mean career demands, they had been out of touch for almost a year now.

“Oh he is busy with his new project. I guess he must still be on a dream beach with these hot girls accompanying him. By the way, yes I still remember you. We just talked about an year ago right?” 

Both of them could not help but chuckle.

“Oh I’m sure it’s just you. He’s crazy for you right? Anyhow, I’m a bit busy right now. I just wanted to tell you that a student of mine from the law school is coming to Mumbai to intern in a firm there. I was hoping if he can stay in your guest room till he finds a suitable room for himself there.”

“Oh I don’t think there should be any problem with that. You can just give him my contact address and I’ll also text you our address.”

“That would be just perfect. Alright then, I must go now. I have a meeting to attend. I’ll call you later okay?”

“Yeah perfect! Bye.”

“Bye Tara.”

Update: Read the third chapter by clicking here.

“Me and my team are participating in ‘Game Of Blogs’ at #CelebrateBlogging with us.”

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